BB Edge Team
Stu Thompson - Programme Director
Stu is the Programme Director for BB Edge Workshops which are run in over 28 schools across the country and teach boys in small groups DIY skills and values that help their self esteem and confidence. The Edge Workshop coordinators typically work with a group of 6 boys each week for 2-3 hours over a school term and can have a dramatic impact on their behaviour and attitudes. The teachers and principals speak very highly of the program which assists their efforts to reach all students and improve outcomes.
Stu has worked for BB New Zealand for over 20 years and in that time contributed a massive effort to the movement. Stu was instrumental in developing the ICONZ program, curriculum and badges in addition to the development of the Edge Workshops in schools across the whole country. He has worked tirelessly to help boys become great men and has an enthusiasm un matched and well respected across the school network and BB. Stu is an avid outdoors man and has five wonderful children, and is a doting grandfather and supported by his lovely wife Karen.
Warwick Tomlinson - South Island Development Manager
Warwick oversees the Edge Workshop in Christchurch, Dunedin, Mosgiel and Central Otago and contributes significant time and energy, not to mention driving significant distances in the South Island to drive the success of these programs. Warwick has a great relationship with the principals and staff in the various schools where the Edge Workshop operates and loves seeing the development of the boys as they learn new skills and develop confidence.
Warwick is the BB Development Manager for the South Island. While his history with BB only began in 2019, he has taken on a large area geographic area and also Captains BB 1st Mosgiel. In 2007 he completed a Bachelors in Ministry Theology (BMin) at Laidlaw College while working as an Intern at Opawa Baptist church and as a landscapers labourer. He has spent 26 years as a youth worker, both voluntarily and professionally. Warwick is a raging extrovert and loves being with people, especially working with teenagers. Warwick’s family include wife Rebecca and three wonderful children, Alyssa, Georgia and Jayden. If you are in the deep south, feel free to get in touch with him.
Kieran Wilmshurst - Edge Workshop Facilitator
Kieran is the Edge Regional Facilitator for Canterbury. Originally from the North Island, he has experience in Physical Therapy and Outdoor Recreation. Coming to know Jesus in 2021, he felt the call of the Gospel and discipling young men of New Zealand. He is studying Bachelor of Counselling at Laidlaw College and acquiring NZOIA Instructor Qualification while doing outdoor instruction and adventure therapy. He runs the BB Delta unit at Hornby ICONZ, working with Sam Beaumont in the EDGE Program and developing the Echo Section Leadership Fellowship within Canterbury. Ephesians 4:11-15 is his main inspiration to highlight the Gospel to the youth ministry.
Glenn Tabor - Edge Workshop Facilitator
Glenn is the Edge Workshop Facilitator for Waikato. He moved to Cambridge from South Auckland at the beginning of 2022, where he led the PACT ICONZ Unit for over 15 years. Before that, he oversaw the 27th Papatoetoe Team Section for 20+ years. He has also been actively planning and organising various BB regional camps.
Glenn worked for the Papatoetoe Adolescent Christian Trust (PACT) as a Community Support worker in Primary schools starting in 1998 before finishing up in 2021. He and his wife, Diane, moved to the Waikato with their son James. His daughter Laura and her husband Jesse blessed the Tabor family with their first grandson. Glenn loves his sports. He coaches football, plays golf and is a Sports Chaplain.
Dion Sy Tan - Edge Workshop Facilitator
Dion joined the BB organisation as an Edge Workshop Facilitator for Auckland at Otahuhu Primary School. He also leads the Eastgate ICONZ unit at Pakuranga, East Auckland. He was also involved as an Anchor Unit leader in 1st Howick BB. He has been involved with various systems transformation projects as a Change analyst. He plays, Basketball, Table Tennis, Badminton and Football. Originally from the Philippines, he became a Christian in his home church with a similar structure as BB. He and his lovely wife Debbie have two sons and a daughter. Both sons joined BB/ICONZ and the daughter with GB.